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Aurifil Thread

Aurifil Threads produce some of the most popular patchwork and quilting threads on the market. Use the filters to narrow down your selection by weight spool size and colour. We stock Aurifil Threads in 80 weight, 50 weight, 40 weight, 28 weight and 12 weight thread thicknesses as well Auriflos and Forty3 Longarm Thread.
As well as individual spools we stock a wide variety of Aurifil thread packs.
Aurifil was founded in 1983 in Milan, Italy and from the outset produced beautifully coloured threads with the highest quality cotton threads. Aurifil threads is still a family owned business.
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Aurifil Quilting Threads

Aurifil is an accomplished Italian company based in Milan, specializing in the production of 100% Cotton threads from the Mako region of Egypt. The threads have achieved worldwide success thanks to a dedicated tribe of quilters, sewists, embroiderers, and textile artists who herald the thread for its versatility, its strength, and the fact that it produces virtually no lint. Aurifil work with renowned patchwork quilting fabric designers who curate unique Aurifil thread to complement their fabrics. 
Aurifil threads for patchwork quilting and sewing.

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