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Root Fabrics

ROOT: something embedded fundamental and very connected to the whole. the origin of something also the foundation. where one thing comes from. a current starting point and a connector to future becoming. what might be found in math code & trees? in us? Like its predecessor GLYPHS the origins of this project began in language. I wanted to use the language already inherent in the fi.elds of mathematics computing ecology and linguistics to draw my way into some kind of shared space between the worlds & possibly uncover where they trickle into one another. Mapping a world of nature from the same symbols as what a digital world might build from i.e. zeros & ones and then turning a corner to fi.nd these new symbols morphing into mathematical trees or roots was a journey that brought forth these vibrant turbulent patterns full of movement & life. If GLYPHS were prelanguage nestled in between black and white before systems were built then the ROOT collection is rushing forward with shapes and ideas colliding as color is running wild on the surface.
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