1. Flip up both black levers to release suction cups. 2. Place Ruler Grip against surface. 3. Gently press down on Grip while flipping down both levers. 4. Position ruler or template for cutting and press down on Grip to keep ruler in place. To remove Ruler Grip, flip up both levers and slide finger under suction cups to break the seal.
Attaches best on rulers or templates at least 2.25 inches in diameter
Product Reviews
This handle is large and sturdy. It grips the ruler well and has stopped me spoiling fabric when cutting. Before I held the ruler down by hand and was not able to apply sufficient pressure to stop it moving as I used the rotary cutter. Very happy to have found this at Cotton Patch.
Yvonne Roe - YGloucesterExcellent idea to keep hand away from the rotary blade. The ruler does have a tendency to slip if doing a long cut but perhaps this is down to me not putting enough pressure on it. Also it does come away from the ruler now again as it is attached by suckers. Still an excellent buy.
Debbie - N Yorksthis product well made good quality use all the time,i have painful hand makes cutting out easier
Alan Oxley - wakefieldI am so sorry I didn’t buy this ruler grip many years ago. I have even doing patchwork for years but now I have arthritis so this is a wonderful help to me when I am using a rotary cutter.
Anonymous -After a narrow escape with my rotary cutter I decided to invest in a ruler grip, in fact two of them. I can get a much better grip and downward pressure on the ruler and fabric, and no risk of the cutter jumping the edge and slicing my fingers. Worth every penny.
Frances Peacock - Isle of WighA must have in your tool kit - I can't believe I have taken this long to purchase one. The positive benefit of using this product when cutting fabric was immediate - I can now look forward to cutting out all of my project pieces with ease. Thank you.
Jules - Vale of GlamorganTell us what you think of this product using the form below (please fill in all fields).
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